Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I don't have alot of pictures of me when I was pregnant with Emily, but I just came across one that I stuck on my fridge to remind myself......never again. This picture was taken at my shower which was the end of September, I had already gained a huge amount of weight but I still managed to gain about another 15 before I gave birth in November. I will stay away from the ice cream this time and I will exercise. There is no excuse to gain almost 100lbs. when pregnant. So I'm going to put this picture back on my fridge as a reminder.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

scratch that....

I went to my prenatal appointment today and the doctor said not to listen to the ultrasound tech about the due date. So now I am back at a due date of October 2nd but hoping for a September baby. My appointment went well I haven't gained any weight yet. They do want me to eat more to help with my nausea. Oh, and yesterday I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, the heart rate was 153. Today Bob got to hear the heartbeat at the doctors office since he had to work yesterday. My next appointment is at the end of April and soon after that we can find out the sex!!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

3rd ultrasound....and again a new due date.

So the new due date is September 26th. I went for the downs test and ultrasound today, the ultrasound technician said I was measuring now at 13 week 2 days. Tomorrow I go for my regular monthly check up so I'm going to run this new due date past them and see what they think.

I haven't been feeling well the past two days. I thought I was over the whole puking thing but I'm not. I have also been having pressure and just been uncomfortable.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Emily's first bike!

Bob went and got Emily a princess bike the other day. She is doing good on it. She is scared of hills and going up the driveway. Yesterday she biked around our whole sub, I don't know the distance but it is far for her. I'm hoping by the end of the summer she will want the training wheels off.